The quick guide to Appointment Letters in South Africa

By Vincent Gaemers

There are a lot of different business documents out there, and it can be hard to keep track of them all. One document you may have heard of but not be entirely sure about is a letter of appointment. A letter of appointment is a formal document that appoints someone to a position within a company, organization, or agency. It is most commonly used in the business world to designate a new employee, but it can also be used to appoint someone to a board, commission, or other group. So, when do you need a letter of appointment? In this blog post, we will explore when this document is necessary and how it can benefit your business.

What is a letter of appointment?

A letter of appointment is a formal document that confirms an individual's acceptance of a position within an organization. The letter outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including start date, salary, and benefits. It also serves as a contract between the employer and employee.

When do you need a letter of appointment?

If you are appointed to a public body, such as a board, commission, or committee, you will need a letter of appointment. This letter will be provided to you by the person who is appointing you.

How to get a letter of appointment?

There are a few different scenarios in which you might need a letter of appointment. For example, if you're starting a new job, your employer will likely provide you with a letter of appointment. Or, if you're renting an apartment, the landlord may ask for a letter of appointment from your employer as proof of income.

If you need a letter of appointment for any reason, the best place to start is by asking your employer or potential landlord if they have any specific requirements or forms that need to be filled out. In most cases, though, all you'll need is a simple one-page letter that includes the following information:

Once you have all the necessary information, simply draft up the letter and have it signed by your employer or landlord. Keep in mind that some organizations may require that the letter be notarized before it's considered official.

What to include in a letter of appointment?

A letter of appointment is a formal document that confirms an individual's acceptance of a job offer. The letter should include the following information:

  • The name and contact information of the company

  • The position that the individual has been offered

  • The salary and benefits package

  • The start date of the position

  • A statement confirming that the individual accepts the offer

The letter should be signed by both the individual and a representative of the company.

Tips for writing a letter of appointment

A letter of appointment is a formal document that confirms an individual's selection for a specific role or position within an organization. The letter should be clear and concise, and it should include all relevant information about the position.

Here are some tips for writing a letter of appointment:

  • Include the name and contact information of the individual being appointed.

  • Clearly state the role or position that the individual has been appointed to.

  • Include any relevant details about the position, such as start date, salary, etc.

  • Be sure to sign and date the letter.

Alternatives to a letter of appointment

There are a few alternatives to a letter of appointment, depending on the situation. If you're applying for a job, you may be able to submit a resume and cover letter in lieu of a letter of appointment. In some cases, you may also be able to submit references or other supporting materials. If you're already employed, your employer may provide you with an offer letter instead of a letter of appointment.


There are a few situations in which you might need a letter of appointment, such as if you're applying for a job or trying to rent an apartment. In general, a letter of appointment is simply a way to confirm that you have been chosen for something, whether it's a job, an internship, or something else. If you find yourself in one of these situations, be sure to ask for a letter of appointment so that you can move forward confidently.